The U.S. Supreme Court

 The Supreme Court 

SCOTUS, The Supreme Court of the Unites States, was established in 1789 under Article Three in the Constitution signed by George Washington. The Supreme Court holds power over all of the laws in the United States and governs the judicial branch- while still having the authority to look over the executive branch and the legislative branch. SCOTUS involves one head Chief of Justice who is supported by eight other Justices; however, in recent news, one of the Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on September 18th, 2020. Due to her passing, President Trump has to give nominees for the next Justice to the congress. 

There are many important cases that the Supreme Court has looked upon such as "Plessy vs Ferguson" in 1896. This court case dealt with the state segregation laws and created the term "Separate but Equal". The court disagreed with Plessy's case and took side with racial segregation. Another famous case was "Dred Scott vs Sandford" in 1857. The Supreme Court stated that African Americans were not considered American citizens and cannot participate in the Federal Government.  There are multiple cases that were extremely popular within the Supreme Court, and they are listed here. 

