The Diffusion of Facebook

 Diffusion Theory of Facebook 

Looking at the Roger's Diffusion Theory, there are five different sections in the bell curve to represent the groups of people and the growth of time it took to be adaptable to them. The five sections are pioneers, early adopters, late majority, late adopters, and laggards. I'm using Facebook as an example of a technology that grew overtime and how the groups of people began using it. At the beginning of the bell curve there are the pioneers in the experimental group. This set of people would be students at Harvard University since when Facebook first came out in 2004, it was only available to Harvard students. This is the experimental group because they were the only people who had access and really knew what Facebook was. The second group of people are known as the early adopters and is apart of the experimental stage but creeping into the take off stage. These people were students in other universities like Yale or Columbia in the United States before giving access to people all over the world. This was around the time it launched because it became extremely popular within Harvard, so the founder of Facebook wanted to expand it by a little. 

Diving into the third section of the bell curve is the late majority who are beginning to use Facebook because it is now open to universities in other countries. This was around 2005 when Facebook was opened publicly and users all over the country could have an account. This is apart of the take-off stage and the critical mass because of how much Facebook was growing. After a year or so Facebook opened up publicly to everyone over the age of 13 and this could be categorized in the late adopters stage under critical mass. More and more people have been downloading this app or browsing the web URL on their computer and reached billions of users by 2012. The final stage is naturalizations and saturation which is the laggards group of people. This group of people would be users who didn't have access to a computer or a smart phone to locate Facebook, especially the older generation since they steer away from advanced technology like this. Over the past few decades, Facebook has been one of the most successful innovations within technology due to the amount of users it holds and how it continues to grow. 
