My Top 5 News Sources

Top 5 News Sources

Watching the news is extremely important because it allows people to seek and gain information that they might not of known. It is especially important in today's society whether it involves politics, health updates, and the actions of America as a whole. 


I am extremely involved in current day politics and find myself watching Fox News quite often. This source of news relays factual information to their viewers and aren't negative all the time like other news stations. Fox news mainly focuses on facts and giving out information that is important and relevant. This news station does a better job of leaving out biased opinions unlike other news channels, like CNN. 


If I am looking to watch a talk show that incorporates news I'd turn to NBC, The Today Show. This show gives the audience a number of things to watch that could be from politics to sports to entertainment; they have it all. The hosts of The Today Show vary but the main anchors are always positive which the audience likes. 


When I'm in the mood for politics and want to learn about the daily events occurring, I tune into Tucker Carlson's Tonight show on Fox News. I like the way Carlson puts his emotions aside and focuses on the real issues happening in the United States. I enjoy when he has "guests" on the show that either support him or do not support him because it's almost like a debate which I like watching. 


I like to get my weather updates from NBC because I enjoy all of the anchors. Similar to most weather channels, NBC has descriptive weather updates that are accurate almost all the time. The anchors also incorporate news outside of weather here and there which is also interesting.


If I am interested in a celebrities' life, entertainment, or people I know's life, I scroll on social media. I don't involve myself in politics or current events happening in the world on social media because it's most likely wrong. On the other hand, if I want to know the inside scoop on a pop singer's new song, I'll browse my socials to find something. 
