Mainstream Media (MSM)

 Mainstream Media 

Mainstream media is one of the most common forms of broadcasting news or daily current events. It is also known as MSM for short and honestly is the biggest yet most controversial way to consume media. MSM is mainly used for alerting current event news to the public on television, the radio, and magazines. There are multiple media companies that are involved in MSM that have control over different media outlets. Such as, The Walt Disney Company owning stations like ABC, and Rupert Murdoch who owns The News Cooperation that controls many stations in the media production. It has heavily evolved over the past few decades due to the enhanced technology that is now available. People across all generations consume mainstream media daily, where they know it or not, because it is everywhere no matter where you are. However, the media plays one of the biggest roles in the youth and my generation compared to older generations. This is because the "gen-z" population is so quick to believe everything they see on t.v. or online, and increases their need for more "knowledge" happening around them. As you can see, I quoted knowledge because is it really factual information that they are consuming or is it fake news that they turn a blind eye towards? 

Here is an image below of major mainstream media companies. 

There are major issues within mainstream media that twists the way people think and how they view different current events happening in the world. People are so quick to believe everything they watch and read that can negatively affect society as a whole. The term "fake news" is becoming more popular within the past years due to the overwhelming amount of extreme bias in media coverages-mainly political news stations. For instance, if someone is far right on the political scale, they are more likely to follow Fox News while the opposite would be CNN. Only consuming one-sided news' coverages can cause even more bias within the media companies and now the consumers. This ultimately creates major controversy within society that leads to negative affects. This website here takes a look into how poorly the media can be seen and how biased they are. An important section on this website was about the media's ratings and how they will stream anything just to absorb the public's money, and that is what's happening every single day. Below is an image of people consuming MSM and believing everything the reporters are saying. This is a great example of how people in today's society believe everything in front of their eyes before researching themselves. 

Mainstream media affects everyone, no matter one's age, gender, sexuality, etc., and can be both negative and positive. There will always be a sense of diversity within MSM but the way people view and interpret it can change, and people can become more aware of what they are consuming. Mainstream media is a great way to spread, share, and broadcast information world-wide from different news outlets or media companies. The most popular way to consume MSM is by using technology whether that be televisions, radios, online, or our smartphones. However, magazines and newspapers are still traditional ways to read current events and news. Mainstream media is a beneficial way for people world-wide to consume different types of media, however it comes with great costs that can negatively affect our society. 
